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Come see Hall Gardner at the debate on "Nato 70 Years On: What Future Lies Ahead?"


Debate organized within the framework of the project "The 20 Years of Poland in the 70 Years of the Alliance" sponsored by the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and conceived on the occasion of the double anniversary: 70 years of NATO and 20 years of the historical enlargement of the Alliance to Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. It is part of a series of debates organized in European capitals and in Washington.


November 28, 2019



Hall Gardner

Professor Gardner has participated in lectures and seminars all over the world discussing a wide range of topics, such as NATO, conflicts in the Middle East, the future of the European Union, and more.

Critical Components of International Peace Building - New Challenges in the Age of Unpredictability (July 2019)


Presented at the College of Lake County

New Horizons Symposium (October 2018)


A unique platform welcoming senior government and agency officials, key policy and decision-makers, academia, NGOs, public and private sector representatives across the globe for presentations, panel discussions, networking. The focus is on illustrating emerging trends reshaping the international security.

Ultimate Sacrifice: France Pays Tributes to Fallen Gendarme (March 2018)


France staged a state funeral for a national hero: Gendarme Lieutenant Colonel Arnaud Beltrame who died after exchanging himself for hostages during a supermarket standoff with a radicalised gunman. We'll reflect on the significance of that sacrifice and the first major terror attack on French soil in 2018, the three other victims, as well as the 25-year-old killer and his radicalised girlfriend.

Speech Democrats Abroad Panel Discussion: A Year in Trumpland (January 2018)

"Ukrainian Crisis and International Responses" 2BS Forum (June 2014)


« Où va l'Arabie saoudite ? » Académie de Géopolitique de Paris (March 2016)


Au milieu d'une situation désastreuse au Moyen et Proche-Orient, avec l'escalade des tensions entre les puissances régionales soutenues par les superpuissances étrangères, l'Arabie Saoudite s'engage aujourd'hui dans des hostilités atroces...

"Origins of WWI" World Association of International Studies (October 2015)



"The Ukrainian Conflict in the Eyes of Eastern Countries" Epic Congress (June 2015)



Not A New Cold War (December 2021)




MESC Book Celebration


Hall Gardner discussing his book, "Toward an Alternative Transatlantic Strategy" at the Middle East Studies Center book celebration, with other authors.


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