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Read Hall Gardner's Full Collection of Poems

The Wake-Up Blast

The Wake-Up Blast captures over 3 decades of poetic protest and dissent, recounted through the lens of personal encounters throughout the world. Hall Gardner’s engaged poetry captivates readers through rallying cries against fear and violence, interwoven with the ultimate hope of peace and global understanding.


Vincent’s Room by Hall Gardner

Translated into French by Anne Gayet-Turner


Weep Harlem, For Your King

This tequila morn
only we winos awake
to breathe the scents of petals
withered from a yellow rose...

Taste of the Town

Not a smorgasbord 

of international delicacies,

nor a buffet

of intricate delights....

Transport Craft

You remembered how those gigantic transports once soared

one by one like vultures over your sandbox where your model jets roared

strikes against tanks and toy soldiers. You were not even born when...

The Wake-Up Blast

The wake-up blast of her alarm clock

belatedly warns her of what she already knows.


She has already stripped the bed sheets

and showered with lime-scented soap...

Sestina: Agressão dos Cachorros

Damn it all, John! Help rid me of this gobbledygook!

These mangy curs attack with devious eyes-

I say to the garbage pails and stand! 

Defend our driveways! Onward—to the garage!!!...

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The Boto 

Beneath thatched roofs
far from soft white sands
of Ipanema and Ilhabela
Amazon dwellers witness..

Visiting the War Memorial 

Look as they march up and down the parapet,
bearing sparkling kitchen-clean bayonets.
At strictest attention in space-man helmets,
marionettes strapped in the tightest armored belts,...

The Resectoscopic Experience

It must have been a very sick joke
that made those two sculptured-muscle jocks
so cynically snicker as they pissed Pilsner
into the stagnant pond before the entrance...

In your Absence My-Self Becomes Another 

In your absence my Self becomes Another...
stumbling like Edgar Allen…
wasted… decrepit…

Venice Weeping

Pigeons squat upon the eyeless wind and water beaten skulls of static statues long corroded with creeping fissures of fungus...

Brain Storm

All is so serene
before the massive
hurricane brewing
upon the azure horizon…

Fable of the Honey Bees 

His withered shoulders hunched over the table,

the beekeeper carefully slices open the plain brown package

with his pocket knife...

Sub-Urban Poems


War Guilt

Saigon Dauphin, a repetitive nightmare sequence

Three Working Poetraits

Errand Boy, Your Stepmother Calls You “Pussy”, Transport Craft

One Nuke Two Nuke Blue Yook Orang Zook

Upon the backs of horses
across oceans these houseflies sailed.

Not native to this clover,
honeybees ambush the toes of infants...

If this Creation Is Not Religious...

The light filters ever so softly
through windows of stained glass.
Behold!!! A holy trinity
of translucent color the sun...

Two Poems

Home and Abroad




Ingresso Libero

The arrow of a rusty sign points the way
To what was once your Galleria d’Arte...

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"Taste of the Town" by Hall Gardner

Taste of the Town was first written to protest the Carter-Reagan nuclear weapons buildup and now Trump, following Obama, is repeating the same tragic mistake.

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"Splinters the Length of Daggers" by Hall Gardner

Splinters the Length of Daggers was written in 1979 in reaction to the Three Mile Island nuclear accident; it was read at numerous anti-nuclear protests in the 1980s, and it was published in Hall Gardner, The Wake-UP Blast (2008).

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Venice Weeping

Section of Poem "Venice Weeping With or Without Water" by Hall Gardner, author of the The Wake-Up Blast

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"Moroccan Herbs" by Hall Gardner

Poem read in Agadir Souk

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"Interpreter" by Hall Gardner

Interpreter (for Isabel) is about the dilemmas involved in interpretation in the effort to prevent a nuclear war between the US and Russia.

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"The Wake-Up Blast" by Hall Gardner

The Wake-Up Blast is a protest against the terrorist attacks on the Madrid train system on March 11, 2004.

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Read before the Nikola Tesla museum in Belgrade.

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Pompeii Portrait

Read Hall Gardner's Full Collection of Poems

The Wake-Up Blast

The Wake-Up Blast captures over 3 decades of poetic protest and dissent, recounted through the lens of personal encounters throughout the world. Hall Gardner’s engaged poetry captivates readers through rallying cries against fear and violence, interwoven with the ultimate hope of peace and global understanding.


Vincent’s Room by Hall Gardner

Translated into French by Anne Gayet-Turner


The Boto 

Beneath thatched roofs
far from soft white sands
of Ipanema and Ilhabela
Amazon dwellers witness..

Visiting the War Memorial 

Look as they march up and down the parapet,
bearing sparkling kitchen-clean bayonets.
At strictest attention in space-man helmets,
marionettes strapped in the tightest armored belts,...

The Resectoscopic Experience

It must have been a very sick joke
that made those two sculptured-muscle jocks
so cynically snicker as they pissed Pilsner
into the stagnant pond before the entrance...

In your Absence My-Self Becomes Another 

In your absence my Self becomes Another...
stumbling like Edgar Allen…
wasted… decrepit…

Venice Weeping

Pigeons squat upon the eyeless wind and water beaten skulls of static statues long corroded with creeping fissures of fungus...

Brain Storm

All is so serene
before the massive
hurricane brewing
upon the azure horizon…

Fable of the Honey Bees 

His withered shoulders hunched over the table,

the beekeeper carefully slices open the plain brown package

with his pocket knife...

Sub-Urban Poems


War Guilt

Saigon Dauphin, a repetitive nightmare sequence

Three Working Poetraits

Errand Boy, Your Stepmother Calls You “Pussy”, Transport Craft

One Nuke Two Nuke Blue Yook Orang Zook

Upon the backs of horses
across oceans these houseflies sailed.

Not native to this clover,
honeybees ambush the toes of infants...

If this Creation Is Not Religious...

The light filters ever so softly
through windows of stained glass.
Behold!!! A holy trinity
of translucent color the sun...

Two Poems

Home and Abroad




Ingresso Libero

The arrow of a rusty sign points the way
To what was once your Galleria d’Arte...

Pompeii Portrait

A Paper Cup Skips Across the Beach

The American

University of Paris

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